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tv   Fox Morning News  FOX  September 22, 2010 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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comments made by school chancellor michelle rhee during an interview on the oprah show. and bullying is an unfortunate reality for kids across the country. no parent want it's to happen to their children but a father in florida is facing criminal charges because he decided to do something after he witnessed his daughter being the victim of bullies on a school bus. and a new book which hasn't been released yet could cause big headaches for the white house. bob woodward has turned his attention to the obama we'll take a closer look. and we're following the shake-ups on the american idol judges panel for months now. today we'll get the official announcement from ryan seacrest about who will be at the judge's table next season. of course the long rumored lineup is randy jackson, jennifer lopez and steven tyler. we'll see if that is going to come to be, a big press conference today. in the meantime, this is
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the last full day of summer. >> it's the last day of summer. yesterday was the last full day. >> we have until 11:09 to enjoy it and we are with nice temperatures. >> you got it. it will be warm around here. high temperatures around 90 or so. let's get to it. so after enjoying temperatures in the upper 70s and low 80s, today will feel downright warm. humidity is 71%. winds out of the south and west at 7. pressure is up 30.11 inches. look ago the -- looking at the satellite radar, conditions continue. off to the north and west, we have a few clouds out there. and a weak cold front will approach from the north and west later this afternoon. so the possibility is out there that we could see a couple of scattered showers or thunderstorms late tonight. most of the area should remain dry but there is the possibility of showers. and it will be hot for the last day of summer and winds light
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out of the south and west at 5 miles per hour. more details on the forecast. we'll let you know if we have any rain in the five-day coming right up. tony, back to you at the desk. >> thank you, tucker. our top story this morning, it's quite the scene in a d.c. neighborhood where tons of belonglings have been dumped out on the street. she's being kicked out of her home and desperate. matt acland joins us with the details. >> reporter: that truck was sent by thesiy to start removing -- was sent by city to start removing her items and councilman graham said hold on a second. and look at what just moved up. jk sterling and storage they are here to help her out. we've been providing this story
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all morning long. yesterday she was evicted from her house and sher collected all of these items and she said she does this to send the items back home to her family in venezuela. as far as you can see, there is just piles of different types of things. everything you could think of. she said that she's been doing this for quite sometime but she lost her job recently. she was a care giver and lost her job and couldn't pay the rent so she was evicted yesterday. we've been hearing from her this morning and we also had a chance to talk to some of her neighbors. take a listen. >> i've never, ever -- it took ten hours and i see why. look at it. it started around 8:30. and i left to run errands and when i came back they were still -- and it was around 15 folks moving this stuff. they got done and that was the last drop at 6:00.
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>> reporter: back out live again here at 11th and otis place in columbia heights. she was glad to see that trucking up. we're told that someone was watching the coverage on one of the television stations and decided to help out. so jk moving and storage restored some of her items. she lost her home yesterday, all of her stuff was put out on the street, but for now her stuff is same will likely be looking for a home as well. back to you. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. allison. a woman running for the united states senate in maryland died after being hit by an suv. now her mother is speaking out. natasha pettigrew was on her
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bike training for a die catha lon. the driver did not stop and called four hours later and said she thought she hit a deer. pettigrew held on for a day before her mother told doctors to take her off of life support. >> i'm empty and i'm lost. i miss her, but i did the right thing. i made the decision not to resuscitate when her heard failed. she would not want to have lived in a vegetative stage. >> police say the driver did not discover the bike lodged in the suv's grill until she arrived home in upper marlboro. no charges have been filed in this case. the u.s. supreme court has refused to halt the execution of a woman on death row in virginia, days after the
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governor deny the clemency. theresa lewis will die tomorrow. she was convicted of masterminding the hired killings of her husband and stepson in 2002. and making headlines, the d.c. state superintendent of education has resigned. the washington post is reporting that carrie briggs stepped down by e-mail last week with 24 hours notice. the school board is said to be shotgunned by her decision to leave. she was appointed by mayor fenty and she said she informed him of her plans in august. beth coli was appointed instead. and the washington school paupon is striking back -- school union is striking back from comments by michelle rhee. she was told that teachers need to meet a criminal standard and the washington teacher's union president said these comments
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are an exaggeration and she has many tools on hand to fire teachers. the union contract heavily weighs performance over seniority. another big story we're following. a florida father is apologizing for going on a tirade on a school bus. he said he was just sticking up for his daughter. ainsley earhart has the story. >> when i see my daughter, i snap. >> reporter: james willie jones said he's sorry for the bus tirade that was captured. he's seen gesturing and yelling at students during the september 3rd incident in sanford, north of orlando. >> was going to talk to the bus drier and find out what was going on with my daughter and why she felt that way. when we went to the bus stop, this started to come out. >> jones said that boys placed
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a open condom on the her head, twisted her ear and shouted route comments at her. the 13-year-old girl is said to have cerebral palsy. >> there was no one to help here and that's when it started and that's when she started feeling as though no one wanted to help sher. >> reporter: the girl won't be returning to that middle school. jones remarks that his heart was in the right place but his actions weren't appropriate. >> it's by kidding getting buried -- even if you walk them to school, my action was very much out of character from me. >> reporter: jones has received message of of support from people -- of support from people around the country. his lawyer is working to get
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his charges dropped. ainsley earhart, fox news. we are told we're going to find out today for certain who will be on the judge's panel for the upcoming season of american idol. the judges will but unveiled in a live webcast. rumors swirl that two new judges will join randy. you can find the website at a big key to victory and a closer look at what swang voters in this election season. next. bob woodward has turned his attention to the obama administration and some of the first details are out. i'm doug luzader in washington, we'll have more on that just ahead. and here is a live look outside. and it's a pretty day but a
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warm today but we'll check in with tucker who has the full forecast coming up next.
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a new tell-all book about president barack obama's advisors comes out on monday. it depicts turf battles inside the white house. the book is by bob woodward. and doug luzader has a preview of the book. >> reporter: for months now reporters bob woodward has been investigating the obama administration and some of the first details are starting to come out. when president obama announced his new afghanistan strategy late last year, he sounded resolute. >> as commander and chief i have determined it is in our vital national interest to send an additional 30,000 troops to afghanistan. >> reporter: but the president's composure may have portrayed what was happening
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behind the scenes. for even holbrook said the strategy can't work. it's one of the revelations in woodward's new book. the latest work from the washington post investigator reporter hasn't been released yet but on preorder it's already a best seller on the new york times obtained a copy and there are enticing nuggets about the sniping within the obama administration. in one instance petraeus called senior political advisor david axelrod a complete spin doctor. but most of the focus has been on the afghanistan deliberation. when the president was asked why he wanted to set a firm top withdraw timeline, he is reported to say, i have to say that. i can't let this be a war without end and lose the whole democratic party. and when more troops were asked for, he was angry. the kurt reply, i'm done doing this.
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and the white house did cooperate for this book and at the very least obama's cars will get a lot of attention. there are already 630,000 copies in print. in washington, doug luzader, fox news. >> more than half of independent voters in a recent survey said they voted for barack obama, but as mid-term election as poach they're leaning heavily toward republican candidates. near half of independent voters are still on the fence for who they will vote for. and here is heather higgins that did the survey. and your organization focuses on getting moderate and conservative information out. >> we try to -- even though we are lively a women's group, we don't do the social issues it's all about economic policy,
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defense, until the ago security, education policy. there is a broad range of issues that speak to that. >> and this survey getting a lot of attention and republicans and democrats alike need to take note of some of the findings you came up with. let's talk about some. >> we used democratic pollster doug shown. it was on he that clinton relied. he's made a life long study of this segment of the population and we thought we would get much more thoughtful, in-depth responses because this is 150- question survey bracketed on either side by focus groups and special reports on the website and a bunch of articles written about it so they can go into it
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in depth. but there is a big shift occurring in that segment of the population. and these are all likely voters. it is really relevant. they are very discouraged by the policies they see. dug said he has never soon warning numbers like this that sort of -- more than three to come, they are moving in a direction less likely to vote for it. among those likely to vote are republicans. and this is despite not liking either party. >> one of the things that was striking to me, and it's an opinionated group, very well- informed group and they're leaping toward republicans but they don't like what the republicans are doing either. >> they dislike the republicans, they dislike the republican leadership but they dislike the democrats more. and if you go into the
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questions and the way they are written. they are not only upset about the economy, 49% feel the democrats pursued the wrong policies but they think they pursued policies that make it worse. this is a group that believes she should be cutting government spending and taxes and not doing stimulus on infrastructure. we wasn't back and tested that and 55% were adamantly opposed to that. but 89% said government should be going on a diet. so there is a very strong belief there. there is also the layers with that, a real belief that the government has not only become too expensive, it's become too intrusive. they want individuals to have more control of their choices, their lives. they want that the growth in the economy come more from what individuals can do and allowing them to do it rather than letting what government can do. that comes out a lot. >> i suppose the good news for either party is that within
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that block of voters, a significant percentage say they still haven't decided which way they will vote. >> 40% say they haven't decided. and there are other sleeper issues in there that are surprising. and people will enumerate the views they think are important. but guess where the two two issues were. say you agrees with the -- agreed with the candidate except for one issue? >> taxes. >> you would you have thought. that was the third. the first missed was the health care reform and the second was the ground zero mosque. and interestingly the ground zero mosque, only 20% were from the northeast. and so it's an issue that has taken on a values marker. are you listening to how we
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feel aspect to it. and the hillary clinton one, with the 48% saying they agree with you, they still won't vote for you. if you go down into it, 16% are supportive, and 83% are against it. so that is an issue playing heavily in a lot of elections. >> i have to say it's a fascinating pole and we'll link your website to our website. and we've done that at and anyone interested in this needs to look into the numbers because they are fascinating. thank you very much for coming in. >> my pleasure. >> allison, back to you. breaking news in lorton, virginia. sky fox is over the scene of a townhouse fire in the 9,000 block of haggle circle. there are reports of people unaccounted for at this time. we have crews headed to the scene and we'll update the story as we get more information in. it's 9:20, and coming up,
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paris denied. why the starlet who just pled guilty to charges after a drug bust in las vegas was not allowed to visit japan. plus summer is ending today but the warm weather is sticking around. holly is at the national hor bore where they have plenty of fun out door activities. we'll check in with her -- she's having a good time -- when we come back. but first the trivia question. which baseball cap did tom celek often wear in his favorite show -- on the show magnum pi, twins, dodger or the tiger oz was it the new york yankees? fox 5 morning news is back right after the break. [ female announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart.
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but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat.
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than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america paris hilton's legal troubles are interrupting her international travel plans. she is heading back to the united states after being
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denied entrance to japan today. she was stopped because of a drug conviction here in the united states. now this is file of her in court. she pled guilty to a misdemeanor drug charge in las vegas yesterday. hilton was scheduled to give a press conference in tokyo to promote her fashion and fragrance lines but that appearance was canceled. they don't want her to come there. >> they don't play in japan. this has happened before. and they just say nope. >> and she plays a lot. sometimes she plays too much. >> well that would be -- yeah. coming up on fox 5 morning news -- we'll be joined by casey scott turner. she's spreading the word about helping foster children. and tucker will be back with another look at the forecast next.
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9:28. we have breaking news in lorton, virginia. sky fox is over the scene of a townhouse fire in the 9,000 block of haggle circle. there are reports of people who are unaccounted for. we have crews headed to the scene. that is a shot from sky fox. we'll update thetory as we get more information. >> terrible story there. we'll keep you posted on that one. it's 9:29, and tucker this is a weird day, right? it's like summer is over but it feels like summer. >> and it will feel like that today and the next couple of days. with high temperatures back in the low 90s. after enjoying a couple of days in the 80s, we're back in the 90s. and this might be it. because looking down the road the next 7-10 days we'll be in the 70s and 60s. >> usually we get a couple of days in october where we jump up again, but maybe not the 90s. >> and maybe not the humidity either. and things are changing. and tonight the equinox arrived
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and you'll know it. and fall is here. and so temperatures over the next couple of days won't feel like fall but over the weekend we'll get a cool down and back into the 70s for the daytime highs for next week. and currently 73 degrees at reagan national. we are going to warm up. yesterday's daytime high was 80 and today about 90. and 70 currently in gaithersburg. 70 in quantico. annapolis 73. so very nice start to the day. should be a lot of sunshine in the forecast later this afternoon as we continue to be under the influence of high pressure. few changes notice forecast. you can see the morning hours will feature quiet conditions as the high pressure pushes up the coast, but later this afternoon, this cold front, which we are hoping holds together to give us some showers and thunderstorms will come stumbling through the region. the possibility of maybe a scattered thunderstorm this weekend for some of us and
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we'll continue to be around unseasonable heat. so all in all not a bad looking forecast. as we get into the first couple of days of fall, but 90 this afternoon, mostly sunny and hot. humid for this time of year. it won't reach july and august standards. 93 is your daytime high with winds out of the north and west at 5 miles per hour. 70 in town. mid-60s outside of the beltway. it could be a shower or thunderstorm. and then things quiet down overnight. the next couple of days will be hot and humid with highs in the low 90s. overnight lows in the 70s. so it will feel like august around here. and then sure enough the september weather reappears for the weekend. maybe only showers. that's a check of your weather.
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and a playing field is not equal for children, especially in foster care. they struggle more in math and other standardized tests. stacy turner calls for change for foster children in education. and of course you also know stacy from bravo's real housewives of d.c. hello. >> hello, allison. >> and this new study shows we might have known because of other factors going on in kids in the foster care system's lives but now it's come out there are differences when it comes to education. tell us about the study. >>s is so great that we have the data to support what we've known. many people are not aware of what foster care means. and the circumstances of the kids that are in foster care face. you are living in multiple homes. you don't have consistent parental input and guidance. so as you ask a child to focus
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on school and how you can do that when your own home life is imbalance. and do you change from school to school? the studio shows there are many kids who have changed schools seven times by high school and how you can have success in school because of that. >> and your organization is called extraordinary life and it is a truly extraordinary corporation and you will be part of this conference tomorrow to talk about it. how are you hoping to change-up the playing field? >> it is wonderful we're getting national attention on this issue. soch foster kids are forgotten about. there are over 300,000 in child welfare systems nationally and over 2500 in d.c. and my organization caters to the kids in washington where we try to get into their heads and provide them the exposure, the education to access what other
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kids have and they don't and to have them aspire and achieve their goals. and we have people like senator landrieu, senator grassley, representative macdermot who are all coming together to get the nation to focus on the fact that we need to make this a priority, layer legislation with youth activity and to make sure our youth receive the education they deserve. >> and i have no doubt you would be socially motivated like this any way but you have a personal attachment to this. and if you watch the show too, i think folks now know that that passion comes from your own life story. very near and dear to you. >> it does. i was adopted when i was a child and that was such a blessing. and as i look in my life and i had the stable home life, i had the education, and those are the things that have allowed me to be successful today. so when i see children not so fortunate that are looking
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those things, my organization and me personally wants to do whatever is possible to try to level the playing field and give things for life to be successful. >> and you took some of the teenage girls in your organization over seas to south africa and these are some of the pictures, right? >> in july we took eight young ladies to south africa. it happened to be during the world cup. and while we were there we did community service. we visited shanty towns and schools and interacted with kids and it was an amazing experience. it culminated with them being guests of honor at the u.s. embassy. they were hosted by ambassador gibbs and his wife. and these are the sipe of experiences to though shem the world is a bigger place and all things are possible. >> now let's switch to another part of your own life and the
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show. we've been watching the show. we do a little thing here on friday. we talk about the high points. but you're always welcome to come on and join us to chop it up. but there is a problem now that you get into some of the issues with the gay marriage. and you know how they take the little snippets and want us to watch. so anybody you want to say about this episode. >> think it's interesting that we're having this conversation on a reality show because it is a serious subject and it's so timely given what is happening with the news, with the don't ask, don't tell and the legislation with obama. >> i'm not sure of the snippet. >> it says something like marriage should be between one man and one woman. and i thought that may just be in general.
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sosaying. and that's a little thing to make us watch. >> well it's interesting because there was a whole in depth conversation about this. and i think -- we look at it in a couple of different ways. first of all, we believe in partnership and equality on all levels. and when it gets to marriage, we start getting into our religious beliefs and our personal conflicts about that and we were just open enough to smore that on the shore. and you'll see that one of or planners is educating us on the background and history of it. my husband's sister is gay and has been in a committed partnership. and while it doesn't effect us directly, we still care. and for us, from a health care issue we celebrate the religious with the equal.
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we believe it should be equal rights for all. >> stacy turner, we're proud of you on the show too. >> thank you. >> coming up next on fox 5 morning news, and good luck tomorrow with the press conference. too many things to get in. redskins quarterback, and helping to tackling childhood obesity and a world record all at the same time. 
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9:41 now. redskins quarterback donovan mcnabb and some teammates joined more than 650 local kids to set a guinness book of world record. they hold the record for the largest virtual exercise lesson. he helped the kids perform fitness drills as part of the play 60, to encourage kids to play for an hour a day. the redskins and glaxo smith klein sponsored the event. >> he has jumped right in and gotten involved. that's great. coming up next on fox 5 morning news, how you can help
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more than 10 million americans by simply taking a walk this weekend. and holly has more activities for the whole family. we'll be right back. [ quin] my name is quinn,
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and this is my eggo. on fridays i have hockey before school, so i take two eggo homestyle waffles and put peanut butter inside. [ whispering ] i add a couple chocolate chips when dad's starting the car. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ quinn ] l'eggo my eggo. [ louise ] my name is louise and this is my eggo. on tuesday i go in even earlier than usual. thank goodness for eggo, a nutri-grain waffle with a quick smoodge of cream cheese... at least that part's easy. [ male announcer ] there's only one way to eat an eggo...your way. [ louise ] l'eggo my eggo. you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health.
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so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i worry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. ♪ in case of everyday emergencies... guys, go get changed! ...or soccer practice, it's important to be prepared for dinner. that's why i've prepared my perdue perfect portions fresh chicken breasts. they're individually wrapped, so you can cook what you need and store what you don't. we're not playing helicopter now. ready when you are, they're trimmed of fat and consistently sized to cook in just 10 minutes. life's not perfect. that's why there's perdue perfect portions. [ male announcer ] perdue perfect portions. ready when you are.
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welcome back. it's 9:45 now. over 10 million americans are affected -- are affected by retinal diseases. a foundation for fighting blindness raises funds for research and awareness. you can help support the mission. here to tell us about that are bill schmidt and donna burk hahn. thank you for joining us. i appreciate it. and i've had the pleasure of doing work with your organization during the last couple of years and will be out there again for the vision walk. >> we appreciate it. >> it's my pleasure.
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and for those unfamiliar with the foundation, let's talk about the organization and the work you do. >> the mission for fighting blindness is to find treatments and cures for retinol diseases. the diseases include age related macular degeneration, star guard disease, which is a child's form of macular degeneration and deafness. >> are we hearing more about them or are they more prevalent because it seems like partly through the efforts of your organization, more focus is among them now. >> and the numbers go up as the population ages. so that is a growing problem. we're hearing about other diseases quite frankly because of some of the research success we're starting to see and for the first time in the history
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to have clinical trials. >> and some of the work that has been going on have been very dramatic. >> very dramatic. and i can tell you there is a young man outside of boston, cory haas, who a year ago couldn't see a behind in front of his face. he is now reading and playing baseball. it's amazing. >> and donna you're living with receiptinnitis pigment osa. and tell us how that effects you and how you became to be involved in this group. >> i was diagnosed in the 1970s. i was in my early 20s and i was having trouble driving and i was told that i would become if not legally blind then totally blind. it affects your choices, your
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daily life. it effects you socially, professionally, financially, in injure decision making, small tasks become large tasks and i was introduced to the foundation through johns hopkins and at the time there was not a lot of research going on. the foundation came together to fund the research, but there just wasn't a lot of it. today there is plenty of research. they've had great break- throughs but we need the funding to continue the research. >> this weekend is montgomery county vision walk. i have the pleasure of being one of the emcees allow with lou katz. and it's very interesting because a lot of groups you hear about a big nationwide event. the vision walks take place at different times and different plays through the year. and they'll tell us what you hope to achieve on sunday.
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>> we hope to raise money for the research. it's a wonderful family event. there are clowns and face painting and all kinds of things and we try to make it a family-friendly experience. this isn't a rigorous athletic event. this is more of a fun event. >> i hosted the one in northern virginia i think during the spring or early this summer. and people come out and they bring the kids out and animals of course. there are sight dogs as well. and it's fun for everybody. a great atmosphere as well. talk about the money that's been raised over the years. >> since our founding in 1971 we've raised over $370 million for research and that's enabled us to make a prince william endous amount of progress over that time. >> donna, are you optimistic about the general terms when it comes to the diseases and
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fighting them. >> absolutely. the center has opened up great hope for the research they are funding and it is an ip space for us involved having to walk in montgomery county brings awareness and funds and builds a strong presence in the area and i feel they are the answer for the future because the retrailing darkness that marks generations to come. but with the fight of blindness, that gives us hope. >> and i should add that this event would not happen without toppa's -- without donna's help. >> there is information on the website at you can get more info there. thank you both for coming in. >> thank you.
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>> allison, back to you. holly morris is at the national harbor learning about the fun things you can do outdoors on the first day of fall. >> reporter: if you don't come out on and experience this, you are missing something. and it's good for all ages. take a look up there. that's george, show them what you can do. and he's tackling the big zip line. woo hoo. no fear in that kid. okay. if the 4-year-old can do it then the person a little older than 4 years old can. i'm back up her with david ritter, who decides the course. and alex ander, what are you doing up there? what do you like best on the course. >> i like flying down.
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>> reporter: we'll watch her fly and david we're working our way over as well a. ands with we do, let's talk about the fact that this is really something different. and when you feel someone going down the zip line, it effects everything. >> everything bounces and gives. and you can feel the flex in it. and there for you're aware of everyone else as well. >> reporter: and the thing that you said is that a lot of these you have to do together as a team and sometimes you have to take a few steps back in order to really go forward. >> exactly. sometimes you realize you are so focused on getting across is to go back and shuffle things around or work together. so can the public do this? >> the public can do this on saturday and sunday and we're open for the markoff's haunted harbor as well. >> reporter: so you're going to do this at nighttime. so for the public on the
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weekends, then through the weeks it's scheduled groups? >> during the week it's corporate outings. school programs, groups that man ahead. and we build a program around them to facilitate whatever their corporate objective is. >> reporter: how long does it take to do it? >> four to six hours depending on how many rotations do you want. >> and how much does it cost? >> from $45 to $85. >> reporter: and i was talking with one of the people, if you didn't want to do the 4-6 hour experience, you could come over here, have a little fun for an hour and then take in the harbor. >> you can continue to benefit from the tough they have from it. and just tell your boss it was a lunch. what's the best way to sign up. >> on our website. and we'll have a link to that
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on ours. and we showed our youngest person at 4. who is the oldest person? and stacy is -- >> that might be chief. >> reporter: and how old is chief? >> 67. >> reporter: so 4-67. so do i grab on right here? >> yes. just sit down and go. here i go. i'm sitting down. >> off she goes. >> reporter: adding another zip line to my resume. we have a link online and come on out and enjoy all they have to offer outdoors. it's a whole new experience. and don't forget about halloween. that's an extra one as well. back to you guys. >> holly always impresses. and i have to say that 4-year- old girl, that's fantastic.
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that's great. and after the break we'll answer today's kify -- trivia question. and e-mail me if you know anything about the old lincoln school in washingtrying to find about this lamp that is popular and they say it came from the only lincoln school in d.c. >> and so people write you and they want information and now you're asking them to answer that. and i will give that person credit as i always do. and if you have any other questions, you can ask me. go to, click on the morning tab for a link to ask allison. we're back in a moment. 
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wendy williams here. how you doing. on today's show he's a walker and a host and new dad to
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twins. mark mcgrath stops by. he'll be here to chat about his new project, don't forget the lyrics. we'll have some fun with mark. and plus young and the restless star eric roberts will join me and we'll talk about the new season of celebrity rehab. >> his new appearance on celebrity rehab. that would mean he's having troubles. time for the answer to today's trivia question. question asked which teams did tom celek cap wear on csi? >> detroit tigers. >> you are right. there it is. >> he's so handsome. >> he is a huge tigers fan himself. >> i love that show. they were talking about a remaking. >> we didn't know what happened. there is no one manly enough


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